Book your System Health Check
Make sure your system is running to its full potential before the start of term.
What's included?
Your full System Health Check will include the following:
User audit profile
POS – hardware diagnostics
Peripherals audit
PED audit
POS positioning
POS operator user journeys
User access audit
Product/PLU/SKU review
Menu review
Promotion analysis
Loyalty analysis
Cashless analysis
Stock analysis
Integration health check
Reporting overview
VAT levels
GDPR audit
Support call analysis
Semester planning
Future state
How we've been supporting universities
From July 2020 to June 2021 (30 weeks), MCR supported our university partners with:​
8.5M transactions – 1 every 2 seconds
Processed £11M in debit/credit card payments
Handled £400K in cash payments
Processed more then 107,000 transactions via Pre-Order for collection or delivery
Students spent £1.4M Via E-Comm with the MCR Pre-Order solution
Triggered 738,000 promotions to the value of £1.2M
Students spent £6M via the MCR Cashless solution
More then 1M Cashless transactions with ATV of £5.73
Average POS transaction value of £4.69
Average Pre-Order transaction value of £12.61
Supported more then 850 EPOS units (includes kiosk/tablet terminals)
What's next for universities?
In 21/22, retail interactions with students are more important than ever.
Removal of previous restrictions
Increase in footfall on campus - more opportunities!
Increase in student activity
Natasha’s Law - coming October 2021