Stock Management Software
MCR's stock management software is the ultimate way of managing the P's: planning, purchasing, portioning, pilferage and profit.
Know the difference between the stock you have used and the stock you have sold, ensuring your profits stay in your business with our stock management software. Other key features include Suggested Ordering, Allergen Management and Nutrition Management.
Stock Manager
Get greater automation of stock management and faster processing of stock, enabling multi-site businesses to perform more effectively at a central and individual site level
Stock Checker
A fast and efficient way to check stock, increasing profitability by minimising time-to-shelf.
Light-weight and robust
Removes need for paper processing
Bar-code scanning
Built-in keyboard for searching data
Updates stock in real-time
Configured for deliveries
Configured for returns - return transaction function
Complete audit trail
Non-scan function for unrecognised items